An Augmented Scale Sequence

The Augmented Scale wasn't much in evidence in its use by improvisers before the 1960s. It's unique structure, tonal limitations and resulting dissonant character, had made it less than a "go to" for many improvisers in the traditional sense.
As melodic and harmonic concepts opened up in '60s music, the Augmented Scale began to receive some well deserved loved, but to this day still seems to be somewhat misunderstood and underappreciated.
The Augmented Scale can be formed by each of the following methods.
Alternating augmented 2nds and semitones (C - D# - E G - Ab - B = the C, E or Ab Augmented Scale).
2 Augmented triads, a minor 3rd apart (C-E-G# & Eb-G-B).
2 Augmented triads, a minor 2nd apart (C-E-G# & Db-F-A) known as auxiliary augmented (C - Db - E F - G# - A).
1 minor & 1 Major triad, a Major 3rd above (C-Eb-G & E-G#-B), (Ab-B-Eb & C-E-G) &
(E-G-B & Ab-C-Eb). These triad pairs work well and sound great.
Intervallically speaking (including inversions), the Augmented Scale contains:
3 minor 2nds (B-C, D#-E & G-Ab), as well as 3 Maj 7ths.
3 minor 3rds (C-Eb, E-G & G#-B), as well as 3 Maj 6ths.
6 Major 3rds. A Major 3rd interval, as well as a min 6th can be built from each scale tone.
3 Perfect 5ths (C-G, E-B & Ab-Eb), as well as 3 Perfect 4ths.
There are no Maj 2nds, min 7ths or tritones.
Because of the lack of a tritone, the Augmented Scale is not officially considered a Dominant scale in some quarters. However, because its inherent triads form upper structure extensions, it works well over an altered dominant.
For example, over a G7alt, the C (E or Ab) Augmented Scale provides the b9 (Ab), b13 (Eb), 3rd (B), as well as unaltered chord tones, the 13th (E), 11th (C) and the root (G), which also spell out the tonic (I) chord (C) which G7alt is most likely to resolve to (V7-I).
There are only 4 transpositions of the Augmented Scale, due to the Augmented triad itself dividing the 12-tone chromatic scale system into 3 equal parts.
Ex. 1 below is a symmetrical Augmented Scale sequence - ascending in the first two bars through it's Maj 7th chords (E, Ab & C Maj7) - and descending with a 4-note scalar pattern in Maj 3rds, through the final two.
Ex. 1
For more specific exercises and sequences (ii-Vs, intervals, 7th chords, etc.), download your copy of the Shortbook™ "Augmented Scale Reality", and make this ethereal sounding scale system part of your reality.
B. Stern