An Augmented Scale Sequence

The Augmented Scale is a six-note symmetrical scale with its interval scheme alternating between augmented and minor 2nds before repeating at the octave (F-G#-A-C-Db-E in F). This interval setup can be flipped to form what's known as the "Inverted Augmented Scale" (F-Gb-A-Bb-C#-D), meaning that 2 different scales can be generated from the same note.
Because the Augmented Triad splits the 12-tone chromatic scale into three equal parts, there are really only four unique transpositions of the Augmented Scale.
2 Augmented Triads, a minor 3rd apart (F+ & Ab+)
2 Augmented Triads, a minor 2nd apart (F+ & Gb+, inverted augmented)
1 Min & 1 Maj Triad a Maj 3rd above (F min & A Maj)
1 Maj & 1 Min Triad a Maj 3rd below (F Maj & Db min)
It also contains - sharing common tones between them - 3 Major or 3 minor Triads, a Major 3rd apart.
Although the Augmented Scale contains no tritones (making it technically a non-dominant scale), its various triads can function as upper-structures.
Example #1 below shows an eight-bar Augmented Scale sequence in 6/8 time. The tonal center is F, which is an exact tonal match with the A & Db Augmented Scales.
In this descending sequence, bars #1 & 2 and 3 & 4 have the same shape, although the order of intervals is slightly different. The sequence ends with an ascending F Augmented Scale, starting with the second half of bar #6.
Ex. 1
B. Stern
***Augmented Scale Reality***
***Signs of Augmentia - Augmented Scale Major / Minor Triad Pairs***
***Hexatonic Triad Pairs II - Mixed Pairs***