An Introduction to the 013 Trichord & Super Augmented Scale

Among other names, it's been identified primarily as the inverse of Messaen's 3rd mode of limited transposition, as well as "Tcherepnin Nonatonic Mode 1", "Genus Chromaticum", and "Augmented Nine".
I'll still go with "Super Augmented", however, since among other aspects of its scalar construction, it contains two overlapping 6-note Augmented Scales, linked by a common Augmented triad.
"Pretty super!", I'd say. It also contains a trio of 013 Trichords, a Major 3rd apart - forming a 9-note (nonetonic) scale.
"But..what", you ask "is an 013 Trichord?" Or - better yet - what is a trichord, period?
If C is designated as the root, then
C (0), Db (1), D (2), Eb (3), E (4), F (5), F# (6), G (7), Ab (8), A (9), Bb (10), B (11):
Any note can be designated as 0, with all other notes relative to that.
This 12-tone technique features "12-tone rows", where each pitch is non-repeating within the row. It was developed in the late 19th and early 20th centuries and is identified most closely with composers, Arnold Schoenberg, Anton Webern & Alban Berg (the Austrian "Triple A's"). It's become a widely used compositional concept, as well as increasingly popular among contemporary improvisers.
While it's not within the scope of this book to cover 12-tone rows in any depth, it's touched upon briefly here in order to better understand the construction of the 013 trichord (which can be part of a row).
Its interval make-up, as shown below, is half-step + whole step (1+2) and is the Prime Form.
013 - Prime Form
0 1 3
013 - 1st Rotation 013 - 2nd Rotation
To the traditional ear, these 3 notes might sound like scale steps 3-4-5 in Ab Major (or 7-Root-2 in Db). In fact, this can be an excellent way to visualize and practice 013, as it occurs twice in each Major, Melodic and Harmonic Minor scale - as well as in each of their modes.
Ex 1. - 013 Trichords ascending in half steps
Ex 2. - 013 Trichords - Permutation #2 - ascending in half steps.
Ex 3. - Super Augmented Scale in C over a C6 chord.
The Super Augmented Scale is symmetrical and palindromic. It's scalar interval scheme is:
h - W - h h - W - h h - W - h
As a "mode of limited transposition", which means that - like the Augmented Scale - there are only 4 transpositions before repeating. Its 3 trichords divide the octave into 3 equal parts.
It contains 6 semitones (min 2nds), 6 whole tones, 9 Maj 3rds (one from each scale step), 6 perfect 4ths (C-F, Eb-Ab, E-A, G-C, Ab-Db, B-E) & 3 tritones (Db-G, Eb-A, F-B).
It hosts 6 Major Triads, 6 minor triads, 3 diminished & 3 augmented triads (with enharmonic inversions, an augmented triad is generated from all 9 scale steps).
Ex 4. - Super Augmented sequence - Maj triads as permutations
- the fusion of 2 adjacent Augmented Scales (C-D#-E-G-Ab-B & C-Db-E-F-G#-A), linked by a common Augmented triad (C-E-G#), as well as
- a complete Whole Tone Scale (Db-Eb-F-G-A-B).
- 3 Pentatonic b2's (C-Db-E-G-A, E-F-G#-B-C#, Ab-A-C-Eb-F)
- 3 Pentatonic b6's (Db-Eb-F-Ab-A, F-G-A-C-Db, A-B-C#-E-F)
These examples, in the book, are transposed to all 12 keys..
Ex 5.
Ex 7.
Voila! Coltrane Changes!
Ex 8.
B. Stern