...and they called it "Kalindaja"

From a Western point of view, it can be derived from the 5th mode of Harmonic Minor (or Major) while omitting the minor or Major 3rd, as the case may be, of its parent scale (in parenthesis, below).
As an example, the 5th mode of F Harmonic Min or Maj. = C - Db - E - F - G - (omit Ab or A) - Bb
This creates a hexatonic (6 note) scale.
The exact same tonal configuration is realized - as a triad pair - by coupling a Major triad with the minor triad one whole step below it (eg. C Maj & Bb min or C-E-G & Bb-Db-F).
From a Carnatic (South Indian) point of view, this janya raga or "derived scale" comes directly from the 14th Melakarta "Vakulabaranam", which is the Carnatic 7-note tonal equivalent of the Western 5th Mode of Harmonic Minor, as previously described.
Omitting the sixth scale degree, or "da", leaves us with our 6 note janya raga....and they called it Kalindaja (pronounced Ka - LIN - da - DSHA)...and therefore, so shall we.
half step - augmented 2nd - half step - whole step - aug. 2nd (min 3rd) - whole step
3 Perfect 4ths (C-F, F-Bb, G-C),
2 Major 3rds (C-E, Db-F),
4 minor 3rds (Db-E, E-G, G-Bb, Bb-Db, which incidentally, spell out a diminished 7th chord),
2 minor 2nds (C-Db, E-F),
2 Major 2nds (F-G, Bb-C), as well as
2 tritones (Db-G, E-Bb, which again, configure the same diminished 7th chord).
Ex. 1
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
Ex. 4
When practiced in all keys, the book's 80+ pages of exercises and sequences are a fun, effective and sweet-sounding way to cover each and every Major & minor triad and their inversions, as well as every diminished seventh chord.
Carnatic Flute Guru Flute Raman explains and performs a short alap (a free, unaccompanied solo) to demonstrate the beautiful Raga Kalindaja.
Be sure to check out his link (above) for more ragas and Carnatic musical enlightenment. |
Joe Henderson's solo here on "El Barrio", from his classic Blue Note album "Inner Urge", is more than likely not based on the hexatonic scale "Kalindaja" or its triad pair.
However, Joe seems to be improvising on the 5th mode of Harmonic Minor, from which the Hexatonic is derived, and with similar effect. |