A Perfect Fourth Story - Ch. 2:
Melodic Minor 4th Shape ii-V7-i Application

What I've done here was to copy one of the single measure shape patterns from a particular MM scale for the ii7b5, and another one from the MM scale a minor 3rd above it for the V7alt, but not from the same identical scale degree, so that while the shape remains the same, the pattern's interval makeup is slightly different.
A common Melodic Minor device is that whatever you play on the ii7b5, you can transpose that same phrase up a minor 3rd as a parallel sequence for the V7alt and it should sound pretty cool, right?
Eg: Line 1, measure #1 of last week's exercise: D-G-C-G Ab-D-G-E = D-7b5 (from the 6th scale degree of F Melodic Minor).
Now drop down to Line 7, measure#1: F-Bb-Eb-Bb B-F-Bb-G = G7alt (7th scale degree of Ab Melodic Minor, up a min. 3rd from F, although the pattern begins on the 6th of Ab MM).
Now that you've gotten this "up a minor 3rd thing" digested, please be informed that we'll be avoiding it like the plague this time!