A few half-diminished permutations to get started

Not to worry! In this post, we'll cover just a few of the permutations of just four notes - which yield the measly number of 24 possible unique combinations - definitely enough to deal with!
The 4-note cell focused on here is commonly known as a min7b5, or half-diminished chord and is similar in concept to a previous post and book, "Permutation Station 1235".
{C,Eb,Gb,Bb} {C,Eb,Bb,Gb} {C,Gb,Eb,Bb} {C,Gb,Bb,Eb} {C,Bb,Eb,Gb} {C,Bb,Gb,Eb}
{Eb,C,Gb,Bb} {Eb,C,Bb,Gb} {Eb,Gb,C,Bb} {Eb,Gb,Bb,C} {Eb,Bb,C,Gb} {Eb,Bb,Gb,C}
{Gb,C,Eb,Bb} {Gb,C,Bb,Eb} {Gb,Eb,C,Bb} {Gb,Eb,Bb,C} {Gb,Bb,C,Eb} {Gb,Bb,Eb,C}
{Bb,C,Eb,Gb} {Bb,C,Gb,Eb} {Bb,Eb,C,Gb} {Bb,Eb,Gb,C} {Bb,Gb,C,Eb} {Bb,Gb,Eb,C}
The notation graphic below (Ex. 1) shows the first possibility - a root position half-diminished arpeggio, ascending in perfect 4ths around the Cycle. A half-diminished chord can be considered as part of a dominant 9th by adding the root a Maj 3rd below it (C min7b5 = Ab 9). The numbers on the left (35b79) represent this as third, fifth, flat-seventh & ninth. The letter names on top indicate the full 9th chord, as well as its tritone substitution (in smaller letters). In parenthesis is the half-diminished chord name, as notated.
Ex. 1 - Root position half-diminished arpeggio as dominant 9th around the cycle.
Ex. 2 - Octave displaced 35b79 combined with b7953 permutations per measure.
This permutation technique works with any group of four notes. See how many you can come up with and integrate into your own playing.
B. Stern
* Permutation Station 1 2 3 5 - Twenty-four roads to Rome *
* Return of the SUPER 4 - A minor ii-V7 Sequence *
* NIDIAN & Her Sisters - Maj7sus4 Chords & Tetratonic Modes *