I was, at first, understandably hesitant to open the small package - examining it from all angles. Curiosity, however, got the better of me; so open it I did .
The first thing to hit me out of the box was the fresh scent of Woolite, as the contents revealed an enormous, clean woolen sock! "Might this be from Big Foot himself?", I mused.
Shaking the sock upside down several times revealed a single, self-burned CD, with the words "Comin' Soon" nonchalantly scribbled on the facing with a marker. I again had reservations about placing it in my computer's disk drive, but my nose reminded me that at least the sock was clean.
(Download the free pdf and find out - link below).
As a historical note, Santa definitely came to town for Christmas back in 1934 - in the midst of the Great Depression - for the tune's songwriting duo of J. Fred Coots & Haven Gillespie (music and words respectively). It's been reported that 30,000 phonograph records and half a million copies of the sheet music were sold within the first 24 hours - all back in the day when the internet and social media were but a futuristic, Jules Vernian science fiction fantasy.
"Santa Claus is Comin' to Town" has since been recorded and / or performed at one time or another by literally everybody and their mamas. It's been the hit that's kept on hittin', and will continue to be as long as there's a Christmas season.
Without going into much detail here, the tune itself sports an classic AABA song structure. The Cycle of 5ths with some chromatic bass movement makes up the bulk of the harmonic action. In this version a slick deceptive cadence happens in the last 2 bars of each A-section, to make things interesting.
As far as the soprano saxophone solo is concerned, I'll forego my usual microscopic analyses this time (hey - it''s Christmas!). There are some nice blues inflected, bebop inspired lines with a healthy helping of rhythmic diversity, etc. The rhythm section is tight, with a light, bouncy swing. It should all be enough to make Santa's goody list. Well see.
In the meantime, enjoy!
Have a safe, happy and healthy one. C U in the New Year!
B. Stern
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