So after checking with reliable sources, I discovered that a partridge is a game fowl, somewhere in size between a quail and a pheasant. They're ground-nesting birds, like chickens and turkeys, so anyone claiming to have seen - or have received "a partridge in a pear tree" form their true love - has most likely been smoking the bomb schmizz. On the other hand, a roast partridge in pear sauce would look mighty pretty sitting on my plate! Could be that's what they were really talking about in the first place.
So - speaking of pears - the best I can do in keeping with the holiday spirit this time around, is offer up a tasty "pair" of triads - a Triad Pair, to be exact!
A minor 7b5 chord (also known as half-diminished) can always be built from the 6th step of a Melodic Minor scale. As an alternative to the usual half-diminished built from the 7th step of the Major Scale, this Melodic Minor version has a natural 9th, as opposed to a b9 in Major.
The D min7b5 (D-F-Ab-C) in bar #1 is formed from the 6th scale degree of...
F Melodic Minor (F-G-Ab-Bb-C-D-E-)
While any 2 adjacent triads can be useful, the triads in this Melodic Minor pair are formed from the 3rd & 4th scale steps of a Melodic Minor scale. Once again, in the case of:
F Melodic Minor (F-G-Ab-Bb-C-D-E-) that means Ab augmented (AB-C-E) and Bb Major (Bb-D-F) triads - alternating thru inversions and direction - form the melodic line in bar #1.
Ex. 1
An altered dominant chord (G7alt, in bar #2), is formed from the 7th scale step of Melodic Minor - also known scale-wise as the famous/ infamous altered scale, since it contains the root, 3rd, b7 plus the four alterations - b9, #9, #11(b5) & b13 - so:
Ab Melodic Minor (Ab-Bb-B-Db-Eb-F-G), with the altered dominant extensions in red. G is the 7th scale step of Ab Melodic Minor.
Our triad pair - again built from the 3rd & 4th scale degrees - is:
Ab Melodic Minor (Ab-Bb-B-Db-Eb-F-G) = B Augmented (B-Eb-G) & Db Maj (Db-F-Ab).
In viewing the contour of the line in the first two bars, the Ab+ triad ascends on beats 1 & 3. The Bb triad descends on beats 2 & 4, alternating through a pair of inversions in the first measure, before resolving by a half-step (D to Db) in bar #2. There's a quick change of direction as B+ & Db triads alternate in an ascending direction on beats 2 & 3 before B+ descends on beat 4, resolving to the tonic (I) chord - C Maj7 in bar #3.
Except for the enclosure on the last half of beat 4 in bar #3, the material in the final two measures is strictly diatonic to C Major (absent the "avoid-note" F - the 4th scale degree), with an accent on the interval of a Perfect 4th, in bar #4.
The downloadable pdf (link above) has this 4-bar sequence transposed neatly to all 12 keys.
So here's hoping your holidays are full of cheer,
'Cause with these "Pairs", you can jam all year!
(Here! Here!)
B. Stern
* Sympathy for Melodic Minor - Major's Evil Twin, Pt. 1 *
* Three's a Pair! - Melodic Minor ii-V7-i Triad Pairs *
* The Book of Altered: Altering Your Melodic Minor Consciousness *
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