An 027 Trichord Transformed

As has often been stated in these pages, the close relationship between 027s, the interval of a Perfect 4th and the Pentatonic Scale make this an important trichord to master.
In this post we'll try to show how an 027 can be expanded, ending up with a familiar motif.
The chord symbols indicate the intended tonality could be Major or minor. Since the 027 trichord lacks a Major or minor 3rd, it's commonly referred to as a suspended (sus) chord and it's quality (Major or minor, etc), as well as its key center is therefore ambiguous. In the example below, the first trichord - labeled Eb Maj/ min - consists of (in a descending direction) the 2nd, root and 5th scale steps of Eb (major or minor). This grouping could also be the 6th, 5th and 2nd scale steps of Ab (Maj or min) - or 5-4-1 scale of Bb (Maj or min). Get the point? For the purpose of this exercise, though - Eb it is!
Ex. 1
Ex. 2
Ex. 3
Bars 1 and 2 of Ex. 4 show "Careless" starting with the descending Dmin2 motif - as in the beginning of the 3rd bar of Ex. 3. The next 2 bars are covered by the Bb Maj motif shown in Ex. 2 - over G min. Thus the relationship of the first two motifs are min2 / Maj2 a Major 3rd apart - different, of course, from our previous examples.
Ex. 4
Ahh, the things we do for love!
B. Stern