Three Multi-Pentatonic Sequences in Minor 3rds

One off the smoothest and most common of these "dot connectors" is the melodic resolution by a half or whole-step between harmonies.
This can be especially effective when dealing with a harmonic progression which doesn't resolve up or down in Perfect 4ths or 5ths (as does a ii-V7-I); moving instead in Major or minor 3rds, for example.
The following sequence (Ex. 1) illustrates a series of four parallel Pentatonic configurations, a measure apiece, descending in minor 3rds. Each Pentatonic connects to the next by an ascending half-step (minor 2nd).
Ex. 1 - 4 descending Pentatonics, a minor 3rd part, connected by an ascending half-step (relative min Penta in parenthesis).
Ex. 2 - 4 descending Pentatonics, a minor 3rd part, connected by an descending half-step.
As you (should) know, a Major Pentatonic Scale can be viewed as:
1) The Root - 2nd - 3rd - 5th - 6th scale degrees of a Major Scale.
2) A Major Scale with the 4th & 7th scale degrees (tritone) removed.
3) Four consecutive Perfect 5ths ascending (or Perfect 4ths descending) from the Root
(C-G-D-A-E = C Maj Pentatonic).
Because these "digital cells", consist of only 4 notes, a single note needs to be left out from each (5-note) Pentatonic. As the root of each Pentatonic descends in minor 3rds, the line itself continues to ascend.
The connection point between each subsequent Pentatonic, in this case, becomes the next available ascending note belonging the next descending Pentatonic in the cycle. In the example below, the first cell (F Maj Penta) begins on the note D, the 6th scale degree of F Major. The next 4-note cell begins on the next available ascending note in the chromatic pallet belonging to D Maj Penta (a min 3rd below F Maj) is E, followed by the notes F#-A-B, comprising the 2nd, 3rd, 5th & 6th scale steps of D Major. F#, the 5th scale degree of B Major, kicks off the next cell, followed by Ab, the root of Ab Major.
The next 2-bars continue as the next ascending melodic inversion of this descending Diminished Cycle (F-D-B-Ab). For the full picture, download the free pdf via the link below..
The numbers underneath each 4-note grouping represent the scale steps of that Pentatonic's Major Scale.
Ex. 3 - The first 2 bars of a multi-pentatonic ascending line, over a descending diminished harmonic cycle, using 4-note "digital cells".
(line repeats after 4th measure in audio)
are recommended and available for immediate download.