Exploring these configurations and using them in your melodic lines - both improvised and composed - can help take one "out of the ordinary path", to quote John Coltrane, as he referred to his own then revolutionary use of the Descending Major 3rds Cycle (aka "Coltrane Changes"), which gave birth to a number of his challenging compositions, the best known being "Giant Steps".
Using "Giant Steps" chord changes, I composed a one-chorus (16-bar) etude, featuring the aforementioned trichord as a basis for the solo melodic line.
As with the comping piano voicings (not shown), on both the Major and Dominant 7th chords, the Maj 3rd is mostly avoided in the melody line. The whole idea of a "sus2 or sus4" chord is to "delay or suspend" resolution, usually to a Major tonality. This results in a subtle, desired "tonal ambiguity".
However, besides Major Scale steps 1-2-5 (C-D-G in C Maj), prime form 027 trichords can be formed from:
Major Scale steps 2-3-6 (D-E-A), 4-5-1 (F-G-C), 5-6-2(9) (G-A-D), 6-7-3 (A-B-E), so that, depending on the chord involved, a Maj 3rd can pop up melodically within these trichords and their inversions. This happens here in bars #3, 5, 9, 10, 11 & 15. They all consist of a Maj 2nd and a Perfect 4th in prime form.
An 027 trichord can also represent an altered dominant, as is the case in the second half of bar #12, where the trichord G-A-D spell the b9-#9-b13 of F#7alt. This trichord is derived from scale steps 1-2-5 of G Melodic Minor. In bar #8, a descending 027 (first inversion), derived from scale steps 5-6-9 of B (or would you prefer Cb) Melodic Minor, sound the b13-#9-b7 of Bb7, resolving V7-I to Eb in bar #9.
Try experimenting by using sus2s on the Major chords and sus4s on the Dominants. For example, changing the E on the second beat of bar #1 to a C#, changes the trichord from a sus4 to a sus2. This effect per measure is subtle, as well, and creates an ascending min 3rd effect as is indicated in the chord changes. Likewise, changing the second eighth note in bar #2 from C to A, creates the same effect. Either way it works.
B. Stern
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