The Return of the...

The two previous posts (as well as an available Shortbook™ on the subject) might a good place to review.
The minor ii-V7-i sequence exercise featured here and in the downloadable pdf (in 12 keys) is straightforward and should get you up and running in "Super 4" hero mode in no time.
The digits underneath each of the 4-note groupings indicate the number of semitones (half-steps) between each note of a particular "Super 4" tetratonic shape, of which there are four (1+4+2, 4+2+5, 2+5+1 & 5+1+4). Notice that these numbers circle around in sequence.
In this case, we start with 2+5+1 & 5+1+4 shapes in the first bar, over an E min7b5. The fact that there is no minor 3rd (G) in the line, is inconsequential.
Likewise in bar #3 - which repeats shape 1+4+2 over the bar line on the tonic minor D min6/9. The 2+4+1 (in parenthesis) in the first half of bar #4 is just a reverse (descending) 1+4+2.
B. Stern