ii-V7-I with a iii-VI Turnaround

This is the first post in a while which focuses on Melodic Minor harmony (which includes the so called "Altered Scale").
Much thereof has been posted here on this website, following the publication of "The Melodic Minor Handbook".
These are excellent reference points and well worth checking out, as mastery of this scale system is an important basic stepping stone for the improviser.
An Augmented triad can also be built on the 5th degree, as is often described, which is really just an inversion of the one built on the 3rd scale degree (C-E-Ab vs. Ab-C-E in F Mel Min). The actual diatonic triad, from the 5th degree of Melodic Minor, is Major (C-E-G).
The 4 Melodic Minor scales and their Triad Pairs, which make up this sequence (below) are spelled out, with the Major Triad in RED, and the Augmented Triad in BLUE (No reference to current U.S. political parties intended).
Measure #1:
ii = D-7b5 = F Melodic Minor = F-G-Ab-Bb-C-D-E = Bb Maj & Ab+
Measure #2:
V7 = G7alt = Ab Meodic Minor = Ab-Bb-B-Db-Eb-F-G = B+ & Db Maj
Measure #3:
I = C Maj7 = G Pentatonic (from the 5th step of C Major) = G-A-B-D-E (no Triad Pair)
Measure #4:
iii = E-7b5 = G Melodic Minor = G-A-Bb-C-D-E-F# = Ab+ & C Maj
VI7 = A7alt = Bb Meodic Minor = Bb-C-Db-Eb-F-G-A = Db+ & Eb Maj
The ii-V7 here resolves to C Maj (G pentatonic) but could just as easily resolve to C min, simply by changing E to Eb (G Pentatonic b6). Give it a shot.
As mentioned, there are many earlier blog posts on the subject.
So dig in and dig it! Dig?!
B. Stern