"Stablemates" - The Last 4-Bars of the "B-Section"

That part of the form (which is A-B-A) is a succession of descending chromatic ii-Vs, which in order to be navigated through smoothly, needed some specific focus on my part.
As I was trying out different approaches, I stumbled upon a sequence based primarily on the interval of a Perfect 4th, which seemed to work well - actually covering two bars at a time.
The first 4-note grouping in measure #1, (Cmin7), is a straight ascending P4th stack (C-F-Bb-Eb). It connects to the second grouping in that measure (F7) via an ascending whole-step, then descends (F-C-G) in P4ths, before once again changing direction up a whole-step (A-D), crossing the bar line up a P4th into measure #2 (Bmin7), then up a Maj 2nd and down a P4th, anticipating the E7 on beat #3.