Who Put the "Hex" on My Hexatonic?
(Tritone Minor, That's Who!)

C-Db-Eb F#-G-A
This scale is actually a derivative of the half tone / whole tone diminished scale, with the E - Bb tritone removed:
C-Db-Eb (E) F#-G-A (Bb)
In 12 tone set theory, it would be seen as a pair of 013 trichords spaced a tritone apart.
As a triad pair, it consists of 2 minor triads, a tritone apart: C-Eb-G / F#-A-C#
And, if you haven't already noticed, our new friend turns out to be the dark, mysterious, little known first cousin of what has become commonly known to improvisers as the "Tritone Scale", a likewise hexatonic formation; made up of 2 Major Triads a tritone apart (C-E-G / F#-A#-C#) and derived from the same diminished matrix.
As you will see and hear, there is a large qualitative difference between these two "relatives".
I haven't yet found any other names for an exact match to this scale (Slonimsky p.2 #6, no name. Several Carnatic Ragam come close, but no incense).
That's why I, hereby, take it upon myself to christen it (drum roll).................
"The Tritone Minor Scale" (e.g. C Tritone Minor, F# Tritone Minor, etc.).
Pour the champagne and strike up the band!