50 inspired Lines, Phrases & Sequences to give you the Blues!

What more can be said that hasn't already been said on the subject, whether one is referring to the musical genre or to one's own state of being?
All I know is ...I got 'em, you got 'em, the whole damn world's got 'em for sure...whether or not we realize it or even care to admit it.
To have the blues is to "affirm one's own existence".
As a form of musical expression, the Blues is the bedrock of Jazz, Boogie Woogie, Rhythm & Blues, Rock & Roll and Funk, and although it's often performed in a group setting, the essence (soul) of the Blues (and Jazz), however, is in the personal statement and expression of the individual.
When all is said and done, it all comes down to you, yourself and your blues.
But don't take that from me:
“Everybody has the blues...there's no doubt about it, but everybody's blues aren't exactly the same and everybody don't express it the same way. They express it according to the type of raising and environment that they've been around.”
Willie Dixon – bassist / songwriter / producer
...which is to say that there are many diverse interpretations as to what the Blues is - or isn't.