Funkman's Delight #2 - Children of the
Damned (Diminished Scale)!

it's symmetry!
Regardless of whether it starts with a whole or a half step, the beauty of this scale lies in its ability to be broken down into smaller pieces of three, four, five (pentatonic) or six note (hexatonic) cells, whereby these groupings can be combined and spaced at intervals, usually minor thirds or tritones, to create some very hip longer lines.
The potential downside to this method is that the results of pure symmetry could end up sounding somewhat mechanical or mathematical. but for the sake of exploration and experimentation, that may not necessarily be a bad thing; at least as a starting point.
Besides, a lot usually depends as much on "how" you play something, as it does "what" you play; doesn't it?
But that's something for another post. In the meantime.......