In this post, we'll take a look at an ascending, snake-like sequence that also functions as an excellent warm-up exercise.
Based on a simple, repeating 4-note cell, it winds its way chromatically in ascending, serpentine fashion.
A Snakey, Serpentine Warm-Up!
While attempting to learn and assimilate any new skill, it's almost always more effective to take in smaller bits of information at a time. A phrase or melodic line, for example, might be broken up into smaller chunks for better digestion.
In this post, we'll take a look at an ascending, snake-like sequence that also functions as an excellent warm-up exercise. Based on a simple, repeating 4-note cell, it winds its way chromatically in ascending, serpentine fashion.
"Airegin" - Six Short Etudes Based on the First Eight Measures of the First Ending ![]()
Earlier this month, Sonny Rollins - the iconic tenor "Saxophone Colossus", turned 93 years old - which is a major accomplishment in and of itself. So, as a belated birthday salute, I thought we might hone in on a section of one of Sonny's well known and oft played originals - "Airegin" - the title which is, of course, the name of the West African nation Nigeria delleps sdrawkcab (spelled backwards).
Like several of his other originals - which include "St. Thomas", "Oleo", "Doxy" & "Paul's Pal" - "Airegin" has long ago made it to the list of must-know Jazz standards. It was first recorded in June of 1954 on the Prestige label as part of the 10-inch EP "Miles Davis with Sonny Rollins". In this post, we'll focus on an eight-bar section of "Airegin" - namely measures 9 thru 17 - which make up the first half of the first ending of the tune. ![]() Horace Silver's classic, "Nutville" was recorded on Oct. 22nd, 1965 and released as part of his Blue Note album, "The Cape Verdean Blues". Along with Silver on piano, the hall-of-fame lineup included Joe Henderson on tenor saxophone, Woody Shaw - trumpet, J. J. Johnson - trombone, with Bob Cranshaw and Roger Humphries - bass and drums, respectively. While the solos by Shaw and Johnson have often been the subject of study, Henderson's brief 4-chorus improvisation is the focus here. Being a tenor player myself, I guess I've always been a little nuts on the subject of Joe.
Take it to the Bridge... Getting an Angle on "The Eternal Triangle" ![]()
Ok, folks! Are you ready to take it to the bridge? Brooklyn? GW? Golden Gate? London Bridge?
Nope. I'm talking about the "The Eternal Triangle" bridge - from the classic Dizzy Gillespie album "Sonny Side Up" - featuring both Theodore "Sonny" Rollins and Edward "Sonny" Stitt (the tune's composer). Two Samurai swordsmen battling it out on the bridge (the whole tune actually) with tenor saxophones as their musical swords of choice. And then, of course - there's Dizzy! Not to be forsaken! Despite the high winds created by the tune's rapid tempo, crossing this bridge might not be as treacherous as it might initially seem.
Bluesitudes! One Dozen 12-Bar Blues Etudes With Attitude! ![]()
The 12-Bar Blues form is probably the most recognizable song form across all styles of popular and world music.
Its organic simplicity and malleability has made it accessible not only to musical artists of all genres, but to the listening public, as well. While the earlier Shortbook™ “Blues Deep: Fifty” focused primarily on the phraseology of the original, primal Blues, as well as the construction of the so called “Blues Scale” and it's relationship to (and result of) the natural overtone series, “Bluesitudes” attempts to demonstrate, from a harmonic point of view, just a few of the modifications to the standard 12-bar Blues form which, over the years, have come into play.
Approaches! A Sound, Musical Approach to Approach Notes ![]()
The term "approach notes" is exactly what it claims to be: notes that are employed to approach a "goal" or "target note", most likely a chord or scale tone that completes a melodic or harmonic resolution of some sort - either temporary or final.
Approach notes can be a single note or single and double note combinations of chromatic and/ or scale tones which approach the target note from below and/ or above. They are sometimes referred to as "enclosures", since they tend to surround or enclose the intended target note. Employing the use of approach notes is an important and time tested technique for creating tension and release within an improvised melodic line, through delayed resolution as well as basic ornamentation.
Shortbook™ of the Month: "C H R O M A T I X" A New Ear's Resolution ![]()
As the initial Shortbook™ of 2018, "Chromatix", as the title suggests, focuses on the technique and improvisational usage of chromaticism (referring, of course, to the 12 note Chromatic Scale).
It provides a window into the myriad combinations of lines and sequences that can be constructed with the close intervals of a minor and Major 2nd, as well as min. & Maj 3rds. As a result, "Chromatix" is first and foremost, a collection of 50 technical exercises, designed to get into the "cracks and crevices" of your fingering technique - regardless of your chosen instrument. Chromaticism (from the Greek word chrōmatikos - meaning "multicolored"), has been a part of the improviser's palette since Louis Armstrong introduced it in his early recorded solos from the 1920's. |
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