Are ya with me?
As in a previous "Coltrane Changes" exercise posted here, this line resolves to the Maj. 3rd of each of the 3 tonic Major chords in the cycle, from the b7th of each of it's preceding V7s (ie., C7 - C-E-G-Bb resolves to F Maj. - F-A-C).
The pattern is simply:
3-5-8-3 - A Maj. triad, b7-2-1-b7 - C7 /
3-5-8-3 - F Maj. triad, b7-2-1-b7 - Ab7 /
3-5-8-3 - Db Maj. triad, b7-2-1-b7 - E7 /
A Maj. Bebop Scale