The iii-VI-ii-V-I Progression

A good bit of info on the subject has already been posted on this site, and in order to avoid a trip to the Office of Redundancy Office, the dozen or so posts are all linked under the "Fourths" category. Check 'em out!
The exercises contained in this post are from a new Shortbook™, which is in the form of 12 individual melodic lines in 4ths, over the basic premise of the familiar iii-VI-ii-V-I chord progression and transposed into all twelve keys.
UPDATE: "Lines in 4ths: The iii-VI-ii-V-I Progression" has been combined with "Fourtitude" as a single 98 page pdf volume "Fourtitude + Lines in 4ths: iii-VI-ii-V7"
Due to its strong root movement along the cycle of 5ths, the iii-VI-ii-V-I harmonic cadence is one of the most common in popular music and found in the vast majority of jazz and pop standards. Its use in this book gives the melodic material a sense of form, resolution and familiarity.
However, a few altered variations of iii-VI-ii-V-I form are used for most, if not all of the lines.
As in the first example below, this might be the most common:
iii VI7 biii IV7(bVI7) ii bii bII7
In the example below, the first 4 notes of the melody (B-E-A-D), plus the F# at the top of the E9sus chord spells out a D Maj. Pentatonic / E, followed by the same 4 melody notes with an F natural in the E7b9 chord this time, yielding a D Pentatonic b3 (D-E-F-A-B) over E.
C-F-G in the melody + Eb & Bb (Eb6 9) = Eb Pentatonic
Bb-F-C-G in the melody + Eb-Ab-Db (Eb13) = Eb Mixolydian (the whole scale)
D-G-C-A in the melody + F (D-11) = F Maj Pantatonic / D
D-G-E-C in the melody + F & Bb (C7sus) = C & Bb Triad Pair (Hexatonic)
Bb-Eb-Ab in the melody + C + F root = Ab Maj Penta / F (should read F-11)
C-F-Bb-G in the melody + the same (G-7sus) = Bb Maj Penta / G (if added D), resolves to:
B-A-G-E in the melody + D & C (C Maj7 9 13) = G Maj Penta / C
Melody rests + F-G-Bb-C (F9 sus) = Eb Maj Penta / F (if added Eb), Bb Maj Penta / F (if added D)
A-D-G in the melody + E (C Maj6 9) = C Maj Penta, G Maj Penta / C (if added B)
F-C-G in the melody + Eb-A-D (B7alt) = F Maj Pent / B, C Penta b3 / B, G Penta b6/ B, C- & D- triad pair (Hexatonic).
And back to E9 sus, no muss, no fuss, Gus!
Did I miss anything?