Among it's other "pluses", this three headed beast can be a useful and effective device when improvising over a static or modal harmonic situation, shifting the tonality momentarily a Maj. 3rd above or below the home key.
As has been described previously in these pages, the Augmented Scale can be thought of (using the first 2 lines of the exercise as an example) as:
2 Augmented triads, a minor third apart (F+ & Ab+) or, enharmonically, a half step apart (F+ & E+),
3 Major or 3 minor triads, a Maj 3rd apart (F, C# & A Major or minor triads).
Since the interval makeup is 1 1/2 steps - 1/2 step before repeating itself, you could also start the scale (or pattern) on A or Db and it would be the same exact scale, with the same exact interval makeup (i.e. symmetrical).
In fact, this exercise is really a two bar phrase transposed down a Maj. 3rd and then down another Maj. 3rd.
The fact that the Augmented Scale is formed from the division of the octave into 3 equal parts means that there are really only 4 unique Augmented Scales (12 note chromatic scale / 3 equal divisions = 4 Augmented Scales).
For a more cosmic view of the Augmented Scale, check out this previous post.