I've been absent from these pages for over a month now, mainly due to the time it's taken me to complete and release my new eBook, "Slick Licks That Stick! Vol. 2" available for download right here.
Anyway, I couldn't let December go by and 2013 go out by posting "0" for the month, soooo..............

Kaper, who emigrated from Poland in the mid 1930's, was a prolific composer for Hollywood films and Broadway theater, and is also best known as the composer of another standard and improvisational vehicle which we all know and love (don't we?), "On Green Dolphin Street".
The tune "Invitation" makes an excellent study in Melodic Minor usage. Some form of MM can be organically utilized on virtually every chord of the tune.
MM elements Pentatonic b3 & b6, altered scale, triad pairs, etc. abound throughout the etude.
Hopefully, this etude will "instigate" your curiosity to isolate and identify them.
So here's your "invitation to instigation". Enjoy!