The Melakarta presented here, is related to #15 in that they are from the same "chakra", or group of six, and share the same lower tetrachord. In fact, the only difference between the two is the sixth step, or "da", of #18 being raised two semitones from D1 to D3, or in the key of C, from G# to A#. This scale could also be seen as "Ionian b2, #6", in western terms

The PDF presented here is of Mela #18 in 12 keys. Sorry about all the double sharps, but I didn't want to double up on any note names. There are a few selected chord / scale exercises plus several melodic phrases which I thought sounded pretty good, written out in "C" only.
So once again, in the spirit of experimentation and good will among all man (and women) kind; have a ball!