Melomina's Delight - Minor Tonic to Dominant (i - V7alt)

Checking them out, particularly the former, might not be a bad idea.
The premise of all three exercises is to familiarize oneself with Melodic Minor, both technically and aurally, over a basic minor i - V7 cadence; which as explained in the first post, happens to be the first eight bars of the well known and oft played standard, "Softly As In a Morning Sunrise".
As in the first post, this exercise utilizes all 7 diatonic scale tones of the D and Bb Melodic Minor scales, alternately; D MM for the tonic (i) D min. chord and Bb MM for the altered dominant (V7alt) A7alt chord, each lasting a measure apiece.
The difference here is that the scales are laid out in directionally alternating diatonic 3rds; ascending / descending, etc., in an ascending direction and descending / ascending on the way back down.
Some of these 2 bar` phrases can be used as interesting alternatives to the normal stuff one might play over these chords. If nothing else, this exercise will help your chops and expand your vocabulary once internalized.
Note: When playing along to a tune like "Softly As in a Morning Sunrise", bear in mind that this exercise is in Bb Tenor key, which is D minor (C minor concert).