The "soul" of this scale, however, is in its fifth mode, which in C, would start on A (A-C-Db-E-G). Hearing A` as the root then gives us a Maj / min 3rd inherent Blues quality. It can also spell out an A7 #9 (C#-E-G-C, with A in the bass), the "Funk Man's delight".
As a 2 measure exercise, Jerry Bergonzi's formulas (from his book "Vol 2 - Pentatonics" - Advance Music) #5 (ascending) or #1 (descending) are used for the first bar, with the scale moving, in the second measure, back in the opposite direction in diatonic 3rds.
Each 2 bar segment represents one of the 5 pentatonic "modes".
The repeat signs should definitely be put into effect here, as the idea of this exercise is to loop each 2 bar phrase ad infinitum at a tempo that is comfortable, gradually increasing the speed as the phrase becomes part of your nervous system.
This scheme can be used with any pentatonic scale.