So, in line with my statement in Part 2 about getting "intimately familiar" with MM's modes and chord types, I thought it might be helpful to some of you to post this basic Melodic Minor Chord / Scale exercise in all 12 keys. As the name suggests, you start on the root, play an arpeggiated seventh chord up, then a scale down to the root of the next diatonic chord, and continue that pattern throughout the range of your instrument. Then reverse the process: chord down, scale up.
There's nothing really slick about this exercise, but it's a very effective way to get the fundamentals of MM (or any scale) under your control.
Download 6 page pdf
B. Stern | If it's "slick" you want, however, then check out "Slick Licks That Stick!" by Bobby Stern (who dat?), a 177 page PDF eBook that's got a ton of tasty MM stuff in it. Check Out Part 4 |